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Bitcoin Payments

Property finance partners the London based property finance expert decides to accept payments in Bitcoin.

The payments for securing and raising development finance, bridging finance, buy to let and property investment finance will be allowed to be paid by bitcoins.

At the property and finance seminar of North West of London, Mr Shapira the MD of property finance partners has highlighted different ways to raise finance and payments methods within the finance industry in the UK and globally.

Mr Shapira has reviewed the main lenders that are acting an active role in the market as well as, the lenders which are pulling back from the real estate sector.

Afterwards, he reviewed advantages and disadvantages of different types of finance focused on senior, stretch senior, mezzanine and equity finance or Joint venture between developers and finance lenders.

He has focused on the payment methods to brokers in the commercial property raising finance market. And how the different requests and needs of the developers and investors affect them!

Usually, he explained, the payment is based on a percentage of the sum of the funding raised. However, each deal and requirements are different, therefore, there are cases that require extra services and then a monthly retainer is required. In all the cases all the fees are transparent and the clients know them from the beginning.

Finally, Mr Shapira has declared that as a firm that is well known for its long-term business relationship within the finance and the property sectors, and due to some requests, property finance partners has decided to allow real estate developers and investors to pay its fees with Bitcoin

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